searches per month for 'Caerphilly Funeral Services'
If you’re a Funeral Services business in Caerphilly and you’re not optisiming to to rank for a keyword such as ‘Caerphilly Funeral Services’, you’re missing out on thousands of pounds per month.
searches per month for 'Cars for Sale in Caerphilly'
500 monthly searches for ‘Cars for Sale in Caerphilly’ indicate there are hundreds of buyers looking to purchase a car within the Caerphilly area.
If your business is selling cars in the area, get in touch today to see how we can help you increase your revenue.
searches per month for 'Caerphilly Hairdressers'
A monthly search volume of 500 for ‘Caerphilly Hairdressers’ on Google suggests a significant level of demand for a new hairdresser.
With the average UK customer spending £312 a year at a hair salon, that’s an estimated value of over £1,500 per new customer over 5 years. Make the most of our SEO services to increase your clientele and revenue.